Category: Projects
Migrating to Caddy
Didn’t I say that this was a production server? I’m only lying to myself. I’ve been using Nginx Proxy Manager for a while now and it has a few quirks. Perhaps my problems could have been solved by using custom Nginx configurations and reading documentation, but I’ve been hearing good things about Caddy for a…
Hyper Converged Infrastructure with Proxmox
After Broadcom aquired VMware, I was once again introduced to a name that had already been floating around the home-lab circles: Proxmox. At the time I still had no idea what it even was, but as my little experiment began to grow and take a life of its own, I began to find myself searching…
Hello World #2: Migrating the Website
I’ve previously been using Ghost as the primary software for my website, although that has turned out to be a questionable decision. Software support was fine and the service was stable enough, but general experience of trying to get it to work nicely with Docker (and security updates) has made it a bit of a…
IoT Sensors with InfluxDB
I’ve discovered rather that microprocessors are rather cheap these days, and development kits that originally went for 20$ – 50$ can now be had for less than 10$. An ESP32 averages 6$ and the Pico series is roughly in the same place. Why would I would even need such a thing? I have other, significantly…